
Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Pukka Cleanse tea to purify the skin

 This week's beverage fave is Pukka's Cleanse herbal tea.

Pukka have kindly blended together an array of herbs including nettle leaf, dandelion root, peppermint leaf, fennel seed, aloe vera and licorice root. All of which boast 'fantastic purifying properties' to help maintain a glowing complexion. I guess the help maintain is the loop hole that gets them out of trouble when disgruntled drinkers try to take them to court if they don't look like Carey Mulligan after three cups, but as a girl who drinks a lot of water throughout the day it's no extra effort for me to add in some herbal qualities.

Whenever people discuss gimmicks in the health and beauty industry, herbal teas often come up as a point of reference, it's my opinion that if there is a product out there that encourages you to drink more fluids that don't contain alcohol, caffeine or sugar, surely herbal tea deserves a nod of respect.

Cleanse tea has a very smooth, gentle taste with peppermint as the most prominent flavour. Try replacing your 9-5 coffee frenzy with a few of these and make up your own mind at just £2 for a box of 20.

Tip- the flavour in each bag is strong enough for you to be able to use more than once throughout the day, so your box of 20 can go much further!  

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